
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2019

Menarik Kembali Semangat Yang Pernah Hilang

Hi guys, udah lama ya aku ga update post. Oke, jangan khawatir, kali ini aku mau share ke kalian tentang cara mengembalikan semangat yang pernah hilang. Kalian pernah merasa berada di titik terendah dalam hidup, atau merasa hidup kok upside-down (ya walau memang roda kehidupan berputar, kadang di atas kadang di bawah) ga kelar-kelar gitu. Semuanya pasti ingin punya kehidupan yang baik, menikmati kebahagiaan yang tiada akhir. Tanpa kita sadari, medsos bernama Instagram alias IG ini merebut kebahagiaan kita. Lho, kok bisa? Bukankah IG menampilkan foto-foto yang keren, foto pemandangan indah, foto OOTD, foto kuliner, kehidupan mewah, liburan ke luar negeri, barang-barang branded, keluarga yang harmonis, pacar yang sweet. Yes, betul semuanya menampilkan hal indah yang terkadang menjadi impian semua orang. Sebenarnya ga ada salah sih buat posting atau liat-liat IG, tapi hal ini menjadi bahaya kalau kamu mulai membandingkan kehidupanmu dengan teman-teman di IG. BIG WHY? KARENA yang ditampil...

What Is Life?

Do you ever feel that life seems too hard for you? Do you ever think that you want to quit this condition and have a more comfortable life? It is tiring to go to the office every day using such transportation (ie. bus, commuter line, etc) and travel for more than one hour. Do you ever question, why life is so hard to afford? That you're just tired to do all works and you only need people to encourage you, to show you their love, to let them convince you that they're here for you and together fight with you. Yes, sometimes all of us make some excuse to just throw our tantrum for things we dislike. Once in a while, we're not that great to endure the attack of pain and pressure. It's ok to feel down, it's ok to cry it out, but don't give up to this life. Soon, your life will be better. For the rain to pass and the rainbow to appear, when the weather changes in our life, let's dance with it. We cannot control changes around, but we can choose how to...